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NSU Shepard Broad College of Law - Legal Consultant positions, Online Capstone Course - Individual Research Project

Monday, November 09, 2015 4:06 PM | GSCBWLA Admin (Administrator)

Fort Lauderdale, FL

We are seeking to hire several lawyers to work as adjunct consultants with our online programs, beginning with the upcoming winter 2016 semester, which begins in January, 2016 but extends to subsequent semesters. These adjuncts would work in our online capstone course - Individual Research Project. Resume

The class is set up as a small class, typically comprised of 8 students. A professor runs the class, working on the legal writing aspect of the projects with the students, and being responsible for all grading and other aspects of the course. In other words, the professor leads the class, and the adjunct professors act as consultants, helping the students develop their topics in their specific field of health law, education law or employment law. The adjunct consultants do things like attend online chat sessions, review and comment on students work products, communicate with students about their work, etc. The online courses involve generally 2-5 live e-chat sessions, depending on the course, which are scheduled by the professor, the consultant, and the students, based on the work schedules. The majority of the time schedule requirements for the consultant are flexible, involving phone calls, Blackboard work, and GoToMeeting work and email correspondence. The students are working professionals so the live sessions will be in the evening and the phone calls or contact with the students will likely be in the evening as well.

The consultants are do not prepare syllabi, lesson plans, or assign grades. Those tasks are performed by the professor.

The courses run over two terms, and each term is 10 weeks long. Part 1 is graded pass/fail, with students working on completing a substantial outline of their research project, which is then

completed during the second term. Completed papers are presented online using GoToMeeting. The adjunct stays with the class/students for both parts.

The course is taught in two parts and runs over 2 terms with the same group of students. The pay for each term/part is $500 apiece.

The adjuncts are needed for 3 substantive programs (Education Law, Health Law, and Employment Law).

Because the program is taught entirely online, we are not geographically restricted to practitioners in South Florida.

More information on these online courses can be found on our website at:


Anyone who may be interested in being considered for these positions should contact Richard Grosso, Professor of Law and Chair, Adjuncts Committee, at grossor@nsu.law.nova.edu or 954-262-6140.

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